Infertility out of the box


Clomiphen citrat for azospermia

Letrozol for spermatogenesis

Ozone for infertility

H2O2 application for intrauterine

Efficacy of Intrauterine Hydrogen Peroxide and Povidone Iodine Administration to Treat Endometritic Mares

fallopian tube obstruction recanalization by ozone

Ozone therapy: a potential therapeutic adjunct for improving female reproductive health


9.Ozone Therapy: Overview of its Potential Utility in Male Reproduction

10 Prp to ovarium

11 Autologous activated platelet-rich plasma injection into adult human ovary tissue: molecular mechanism, analysis, and discussion of reproductive response

12 Low Concentrations of Hydrogen Peroxide Activate the Antioxidant Defense System in Human Sperm Cells

13 Duphaston with clomipen citrat

14. Hyfosy

15. Ovarian Rejuvenation Through Platelet-Rich Autologous Plasma(PRP)—a Chance to Have a Baby Without Donor Eggs, Improving the Life Quality of Women Suffering from Early Menopause without Synthetic Hormonal Treatment

16. NAC treat men sperm

17. NAC treat PCOS

18. Dexametason ovulation induction

19. Sindenafil sperm motility 

20. ozone for spermatogenesis

21. Endometrium H2O2 treatment 

22. Endometriosis treat by H2O2 

23. Hemp oil improve spermatogenesis


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